• What lurks in the Night?

    I awoke on a ship and did not know where I was. I walked around the ship and could barely see two feet in front of me. The air smelt old and stale like death has over come this vessel. I was a bit dizzy and confused; I couldn't even remember my name, what happened here? Why am I the only one left alive? I slowly got myself together and gathered up some items to take with me. The ship has some how crashed onto a beach as I was heading to the edge of the boat the fog began to lift and I saw a shimmer out of the corner of my eye it was a sword a silver sword a very beautiful weapon, I thought to my self well I might need this so I took it and picked up one of the dead sailors side arms and his holster and ammo pack.

    Before I tossed a rope over the edge of the boat I saw some thing in the shadows, this thing was huge a monstrous beast, well I thought that's what it was. I yelled out to it to see if he, she or it would respond. It didn't respond but ran off, I was a bit skeptical about climbing down a ship and onto a beach with something on it that might kill me. But I had to I could not just stay on board, these dead body's could make me deathly ill and I may not survive the rest of the night. So I had to leave I threw the rope over the edge and before I climbed over a cold clammy hand grabbed my leg, I screamed out in terror and almost fell over, I looked down and saw one of the sailors grabbing me I was shaking the sailor muttered "beware of the Lyken" I didn't understand him at first "a what" I asked. The sailor with his last breath said "a werewolf". Looking down at him confused and baffled I muttered " werewolf" his dead hand slid off my leg and I sat there for a minute, I didn't know what to make of this warning so I just let it go and I quickly slid down the rope. The idea of another half dead sailor grabbing me just wigged me out.

    When my feet hit the water I slipped, I tried to catch myself and saw some of the crews' life less bodies lying in the water. Some of these men were ripped to shreds and others were just well it was hard to explain, I stumbled to the sand and I just fell to my knees, I asked my self why did he warn me of a werewolf, there not real right they can't be, can they? I raised my head to look around and saw a glow in the distant shadows. This could be a little town of village maybe I can get some help there, so I climbed to my feet and began to walk to what I hoped was a place where I can get some help. I put my backpack on and put my weapons on and turned on my flash light belt so I wouldn't run in to a tree.

    I walked up the beach and into a some what forest area with some tall grass, that's when I heard a howl and a blood thirsty growl. I stopped and looked around my heart was racing fear defiantly struck me when I head that. I drew the sword from my belt and begun to walk a lot faster. I heard some of the tall grass wrestling behind me I stopped and looked back, I began to walk backwards looking from left to right not knowing where this animal would come form I didn't know what to do, I had a sword in my hand but I didn't know how o use this thing I had a gun on my hip and I know I couldn't shoot strait, I was in a situation I was unfamiliar with and I was scared out of my mind.

    While walking backwards I tripped over a stick my head hit pretty hard which left me a little loopy. I looked around real quick and if something was going to attack me this would have been it and nothing. I was so pleased at this point, I picked up the stick that could have crossed me my life and said "how could you" then I tossed it a side and I guess it hit what ever was following me because it stood up and stared at with the most blood thirstiest look I have ever seen. The monster was huge and it smelt of blood and death. It hunched back like it was about to attack me, that sailor was right, this was a Lyken a real life Lyken and it wanted me for a late night snack. My eyes grew and I started to run and this thing started to chase me and I was freaked as I ran for my life I kept looking back to see how close it was to me. I could almost feel its breath on my neck I could see the village and it was so close I screamed out for help.

    I knew I would not make it so I slowed and turned and swung my sword at my predator. And in amazement I hit it and hurt it pretty bad, for the first time in my life I saw this beast up close and personal I pulled my arm back to swing and attack the monster again but before I could strike in with my sword again, it knocked me back and took off. I could not believe I survived this to my luck someone from the village came to me and pulled me to my feet I was so thankful to be alive I was speechless. I looked at the man who pulled me to my feet and I just wondered what to tell him or should I tell him. All I could mutter was "help me" and that's when I passed out. What was going to happen to me and I could not believe what I saw a Lyken a real life blood thirsty werewolf and I was scared and did not know what to do.