• Okay, so all day... Well, more like for the past few hours, I've been voting in the Poetry section of the arena's. I came across a poorly written poem about a girl how died, then her boyfriend killed himself. The way she worded it made it sound like it was copied off of a song I've heard [Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisly(sp?)].
    I can't remember my comment word for word but it said something like, 'that poem reminds me of [that song]. I dont think it was very good but keep practicing and you'll get better.'

    I later got a PM from this girl saying:
    "i may sound like it but i wrote it on my own.... i get bored so poems are my excape. im sorry u dont like it"

    To which I replied:

    "Did you actually delete my comment? O.o Geez. Honestly, i dont care. I was just giving my imput. If you dont like it, then dont post your stuff on gaia. That simple."

    Then she continued stating that if I don't like someone's work I should keep it to myself.

    I honestly laughed. Gaian reactions can be very funny and range in a verity of emotions. I've been added today by a very good writer, another one left me a comment saying thank you for the vote though I gave her a 1/5.

    I think some of these writers, like the girl with the poorly written poem, need to learn how to grow up. I understand she was pouring herself into her writing and I'm sure it have a very special meaning to her... But I don't care. You put your stuff in the arena's to see peoples reaction to your work, right? It helps you become better and stronger. It helps you learn and grow. People need to stop getting so easily upset. It's not like I was going out of my way to tell her that she sucks and needs to stay off Gaia or the arena's. I didn't swear and I was polight. I was just doing what the arena's were made for, and earning gold.

    I know other people who get annoyed at things like this. Should something be done about it? Should we just let it go and forget about it, or would it be better to try and fix it so problems like this don't happen?