• some say theres a ruler of death,life,heven,and or hell.do you belive this?most do and if you are beliver in a god,do you think a god would really like all this attention.when a god is a mortal,usually they did something to change the world and make it equal.thats how it should be.people dont need all the attention.me myself dont belive in god or a god,but no one can change that.everyone is diffrent.just like if there fat,tall,skinny,or small.some sit on the couch and eat potata chips.some spend there day at the mall taning and buying things all the time.this article is mainly to say that everyone is diffrent and should not be jugeded by looks or beliefs.if you rate low or say mean things,thats ok but that just shows that you thinks the world is crap and should be tooken for granted.so its ok just be yourself and dont ever care what people think even if it makes you cry.be your self.but care forothers too.