• I my dream, It was like I was seeing through my own eyes. It started out that I was just getting out of bed, and had to go pee, so I went into the bathroom. The toilet was broken, so my dad put a "temporary" one in untill we can go buy a new one. I looked at the toilet, and it was this big white thing that stood tall. It had a spining thing in it (you know, like a ferris wheel, only you could only see the first... You know the things animals on a farm eat out of? They were kinda like them, only alot smaller. You could only see the first one, cuz the rest was in the "toilet" wink In each one held someone elses message (like a chatroom) and the one that I read said "Good Night." So, I sent back: "More like, Good Morning."

    Other the ferris wheel type thing, the toilet had trash all it it. Like the ferris wheel thing shouldn't be able to move... so I really don't know how my message got out. eek
    It was really stinky too (cuz of the trash) and I ended up not even going to the bathroom. Insted I went to my Mom, to tell her about it. She said "We'll go get a new one after princess leaves."
    and I asked "Who is princess? Grandma?"
    She said "No."
    I asked "The dog?" (We do have a dog named princess.)
    Mom: "No."
    Then, I looked next to her and saw a young boy (around my age) Dressed in all pink and with a pink mohawk. That was princess. eek
    Then, I acted like I knew him and he ran around chasesing me (I guess I was being VERY childish for my age). After a little bite, we (My Mom, Princess, and I) started to the car to go buy a new toilet.

    ...The I woke up and said: "What the hell!?"