• I lay on the floor, aching and laughing. There isnt a care in the world, my mind spins, my thoughts are clouded even my vision isnt allowing me to stand... how did it become this way? you may ask... this is my story, and many others have the same experience
    I was sixteen when my step dad hacked my facebook and saw that I was chatting with another girl... not just any girl, she was a lesbian. He was clearly in denial, and refused to believe it was true. after all, speaking with her wasnt enough to prove I was lesbian. My mother on the other hand, saw that I had never gone out with a boy, always hung around my female freinds and said no to any boy that asked me on a date. At first she was affraid to ask, knowing what the answer would be. She would say things like
    "I will not allow that lifestyle in my home!" or "I've been too liberal about this" Untill the end of that day had come and I had no choice... I had to tell her the truth myself. She refused to look, or even speak to me. Instead she blamed herself for all her bad realationships along with society.
    no matter how hard I tried to tell her it wasnt a choice, she refused to believe it was true. I told her the kids makinf fun of the LGBT made me attempt suicide, and she didnt care. Infact the thought of her one and only daughter dieing didnt phase her at all.
    Thats when it happened. the next day I got home from school, I picked up the bottle of pure grain alcohol and took a shot. It wasnt enough, I took one after another untill all the world was mine. I had more courage than I did before, and I felt like I wasnt even a part of this world. It was great, I had found my new best friend, the bottle. It was there for me whenever I needed it, I opened the cabinet and there it was, sitting there, ready to listen to all my problems I had faced that day. Whenever I cried, exploded with anger, or found myself numb and emotionlessthere it was always there for me, ready to take my pain away. Who needs real friends? I would think. People can listen, but they will never take away my pain, like the liquor. I am 16 years old, I have a drinking problem. Any of you out there who think that drugs or drinking can fix your problems... it cant. Think before you act.