• I was watching Mirmo de Pon earlier in Cartoon Network. In this particular episode, Dylan met up with Katie to tell her that couldn’t reciprocate her feelings because he decided to start dating his childhood friend, Haruka. Katie was depressed because she really, really, really liked Dylan and it hurt that he rejected her. Koichi and Kyle both noticed Katie’s sadness, and took it upon themselves to bring her out of her depression. Now Koichi still didn’t know at this point about what happened with Dylan, but when she finally told him….well, he confronted Dylan, and was so upset at what Dylan did, and even more at what he told Koichi, that he almost punched the insensitive jerk in the face. Koichi’s last words as he was walking away, “Katie, I swear I will make you smile again.”

    He managed to do just that, but in the end Katie still chose Dylan over Koichi. WTH.

    Dylan left her. Koichi fought for her.

    Dylan made her cry. Koichi took pains to make her smile again.

    Dylan didn’t know who he really wanted.

    Koichi did. And he didn’t hesitate to show it.

    Stupid Katie. How could she be so dim as to not realize that Koichi was a helluva lot better than Dylan? How could she not realize that Koichi loved her better than Dylan did?

    Her reason: She liked Dylan, and she couldn’t throw her feelings for him away.


    Reflecting on Katie’s words, I thought, if that's the case, wouldn’t it be better to just focus your feelings on someone more deserving? Koichi would wipe her tears away any day. Kyle would do anything for her. But she refused to acknowledge them, because she was too busy missing Dylan.

    I know for a fact that life is sometimes unfair. The one you offer your heart to may not always accept it. And it’s not right to force yourself on someone who doesn't really wants you. Not only is it wrong, it hurts like hell. If I really love the person, I have to set him free. It’s not our choice who the person we love will love. So if he doesn’t want me, I say so be it. Let him be happy. And I’ll find my own happiness somewhere else, or with someone else.

    My mom always told me, when I used to cry at night at the unfairness of it all, that I would always encounter better men than him. And she was right. There would always be a better man. Armed with this knowledge, I have decided to do something Katie never thought of doing. I have decided to move on. I have decided to stop wallowing in self-pity over lost love. I have decided to stop focusing on my “Dylan”, and start finding my “Koichi”.

    It’s a hard road ahead. Sometimes I will look back on what was, or what could have been. I will cry. I will miss Dylan. I will be hurt seeing him with other women. I will be tempted to stop and just go back to how things used to be. But I’m tired of it. I’m sick of getting less than I deserve. I am adamant on continuing this journey. Koichi’s sitting somewhere out there. He’s waiting for me. He knows my pain. He wants to gather me into his arms and kiss my fears away, and I will forget everything bad that has ever happened so far.

    Koichi’s waiting for me, just as he’s always been. And I don’t intend to keep him waiting too long.