• We’re searching for that meaning, that ultimate moment of clarification in our minds.
    For an understanding of the ebb and flow around us, we have set ourselves on a quest that we are unable to fulfill. But that is what fills us with our magic.
    We can expand our minds to the furthest reaches yet it is never enough. We often feel welcomed in by isolation, trapped in our own thoughts. Yet we are always seeking that unity of equal companionship.

    We cloak ourselves in disguise, walking amongst the herd. We do not understand them, their complacency with the world around them. We search for each other, to unite as equals. We are often drawn away from civilization. Feeling most comfortable alongside nature, the ocean drawing us in

    At times we are drawn away by our own ocean. Caught on a rip and heaved into the depths of the black sea. We are unable to surface and it seems all is lost. Our thoughts are in turmoil, locked away by our mind. But we eventually all resurface. The world becomes brighter, our minds spring open and our eyes open all over again.

    This is for those that truly understand, who know what it’s like to live in their minds.
    For dreamers, thinkers & explorers

    For those who embrace the struggle