• My Past Lives

    In the century of free adventure
    -It was up to me
    I'd be a fearsome pirate
    And sail the 7 seas

    You'd know and fear my name
    And know all i have done
    I take all your wealth possessions
    And with my crew I'd run
    I was a young boy
    Born of Rome and Greece
    My mother was so delicate
    And my father was a beast

    I loved my myths of old
    And studied very well
    I was a good scholar
    And in my fantasies did dwell
    I'd become a lonely widow
    working, old and wise
    I could tell you your approaching future
    By looking in your eyes

    I'd be that gypsy woman
    On the edge of town
    Only those troubled souls
    Would dare ever come 'round
    In the time solace
    I'd be wondering by
    On four little paw prints
    With no home to lie

    An orange little tabby cat
    -The streets I call my home
    Digging through the dumpsters
    Scavenging on my own
    Before the time of great depression
    And the bankings pull
    I was a humble man
    -Turned into a 1930s bull

    I enjoyed so greatly
    My cigars and bitter drink
    It made me lose my family
    But helped my emotions sink
    In Victorian Era
    It was lady-like
    To hold my foolish tongue
    And do what men felt right

    Poor -I married into money
    But my husband; I disfavor him
    I kept morals tight as corsets
    Though my heart held sin
    I now live my 7th life
    Full of young lessons and disdain
    A loving heart turned bitter
    Wanting lonely fortune's gain

    I may learn a fortune
    -Worth far more than gold
    A bounty in solemn knowledge
    A life still unfolds.

    My soul is struck from home
    -Where I yearn to go
    But my lessons here to teach
    Will be set in solid stone