• i am the polar bear

    i am the queen of the ice flows.
    i have ruled with impunity for 10,000 years.
    but me reign is melting away
    my subjects are dying out with me.
    soon i will be lost.
    is that how u wish it?
    is there no room for majesty and magic in your world?
    would you banish the northern lights and replace them with neon.
    the inuit respected me, revered me.
    they knew how to release my spirt to the sea when they extingueshed my life.
    so i gave myself to them without fear or regret.
    but you give no thought to anything but yourselves.
    you hunt,trap,harvest,poisen,run over anything you please.
    is that how you would have it?
    i fear nothing.
    alive or dead im safe in the waters.
    with or without prayers,each soul returns to the sea.
    my sister is the buffalo will be on the right.
    my brother the tiger will be on the left.
    what will you have to say for yourself?

    by: gisele guzman