• I feel lonely
    I feel betrayed
    Love is a hateful
    Weird cruel game
    Sorting out feelings
    you never knew you had
    Its weird like that
    Its like a kind of infectious sickness
    the true lovers
    that don't tell them self they love each other
    are they the true pair
    not the one who throw around
    those three world so carelessly
    the ones who hate everyone one else
    until the find there true love
    fading into the dark and never coming out
    because you never got the chance to feel that way
    is it me?
    I don't know
    the words I love you so carelessly throw around as I use them
    I would kill for the words to be spoken back to me
    out of love, not friendship
    to not stand out as that one girl that no one likes
    not as that one girl that everyone likes
    that one girl
    that someone likes