• He sighed and brushed his blackened hair away
    from his weary face with a weary hand.
    The deep darkness was beginning to loose to day
    and creep across the land.

    Lost was it's relaxed, welcoming softness
    which he had grown so fond of now.
    And slowly becoming the loud, bold brightness
    that was the day. But when? and how?

    Insulting his eyes with every growing second.
    Forcing his them to tighten, and wince.
    And never before he reckoned
    had he loathed it since much...well not since...

    Dawn's settling had already begun,
    with that boasting figure that was the sun,
    creeping up from it's bed called the horizon
    to flaunt it's peacock-feathered rays to anyone
    unable to find shadows.

    Shadows that had once seemed so daunting
    But now the figures' humbleness found
    Like hooded figures beckoning the curious naives.
    They beguin to fade and fall underground.

    But all the sloping entrances are rare
    as if the enemy found them would block them for sure,
    and so lost are they to the dependants fair,
    And then leads to the blinding torture.