• I don't know,
    How it all came to that point,
    Where I could no longer,
    Control myself.

    That night was dark,
    And it was only me,
    The moon,
    And the man that pulled my strings.

    I was his puppet,
    His little doll to play with,
    As he was also my voice,
    The one that chose the words.

    "Sayonara," he moved my lips,
    As mother crouched innocently,
    Washing our clothes with the cold, cold water.

    Then she turned around,
    With that beautiful smile,
    Playing on those lips,
    That used to sing my lullaby.

    Now a scream left through them,
    Which brought my father out,
    That was when he saw me,
    Standing next to Mother,
    With my Yukata stained red.

    "What's going on?!" he exclaimed,
    And then he fell,
    After I pulled the blade out.

    My elder brother now,
    Ran out of his room,
    In his hands were his blade,
    The one that Grandfather gave.

    Before he could react,
    He was lying next to Father,
    And their blood pooled together.

    Now the strings,
    Were off of me now,
    So I started to cry,
    Clutching the blade close to me.

    "That was beautiful," the puppet master clapped,
    He ran his hand,
    Through my blood soaked hair,
    Saying, "Such a shame you dirtied your hair."

    That was when,
    I stabbed him,
    and he too,
    fell to the ground.

    "I hate you!" I screamed,
    As the tears refused to stop,
    While the smell of blood,
    Made my nose start to sting.

    I liked the pain,
    Of the heavy stench of blood,
    that attacked my nose.

    I didn't feel sick,
    But soon, I knew,
    The guilt would catch up.

    So I killed,
    And killed,
    and killed...

    And the thrill,
    Pushed away,
    All the guilt,
    That started to build.

    "On that night,"
    I would sing,
    And the people would,
    turn to listen,

    "I killed four people,"
    They stepped away,
    at that point.

    "There was Mother,
    And Father,
    And big brother too,"

    The whistles would
    Get louder,
    And the police would appear,
    "Then there was,
    The man that made,
    Me kill them all..."

    I would stop my walking,
    And my humming too,
    Just to turn around,
    To smile and bow.

    Then altogether,
    They would lean forward,
    To return the bow,
    But they just kept,
    Going and Going.

    They all collapsed,
    Onto the ground.
    And I resumed my walk,
    Singing the same words,
    Until more came along.