• That girl in the corner,
    Of your huge English class.
    She sees the pain you all cause,
    that names that you pass.
    That girl in the corner,
    of the large lunch room,
    Sitting by herself.
    She sees the things you do to each other,
    the things you do to ruin your health.
    Fighting and swearing,
    bullying and name calling.
    She sees it all,
    how each of us is falling.
    That same girl,
    she sees all the races as one.
    Unlike the rest,
    that's where the names come.

    The names,
    horrible to hear.
    They remain,
    causing pain.
    But you don't seem to see.
    Life is a game,
    you shouldn't have to play with fear.
    But you don't seem to care,
    for they still stab in the heart.
    Why don't you play fair?
    Make this a new start.
    Stop with all the racial stuff,
    It doesn't make you tough.

    No one seems to listen,
    to the little girl.
    She may not know much,
    but she has seen enough,
    to want the pain to stop.
    She screams to her friends,
    who are racially divided,
    the names have collided,
    with the names from the "others", as they say.
    She cries alone at night,
    wishing for it to stop.
    No one seems to care,
    no one cares to stop.
    No one knows, that we are all alike.
    Only the little girl,
    who feels the pain when we all fight.
    Listen to your heart,
    because in each of you.
    Is that little girls voice,
    Telling you what to do.