• I feel alone.
    Seperate from otheres.
    Suffering from a broken heart.
    I cry.

    I have friends.
    They care for me.
    But their to busy with their lives.
    Am I selfish?

    I stand in the highwall not caring.
    I watch my life pass by in blurrs.
    Turning my head just looking around.
    I bleed.

    My heart bleeds.
    I feel so alone.
    I watch people hug and kiss.
    I want.

    I try to get noticed.
    I Scream at the top of my lungs.
    No one notices.
    I fall.

    I curl up in fetal position in the middle of the floor.
    I pull my hair gently to see if I'm still alive.
    I claw at my skin to bleed more.
    I disappear.

    My life keeps on going.
    But I dont.
    I walk like on autopilot.
    I'm non-existent.