• When You Lose A Brother

    Trying to forget the news
    That your gone so soon
    It leaves me crushed and broken
    I don't know what to do

    A brother is more then blood
    More then just a name
    Even though we have different families
    We are brothers just the same

    We aren't brothers in flesh and blood
    We where brothers of circumstance and means
    Sharing stories and good times
    Sharing the same visions and dreams

    I remember so many times
    When each other is all we had
    Helping to conquer the difficulties
    Of being to strangers in a strange land

    Yet I'm very thankful
    At the end of that one day
    When we exchanged the words "I love you"
    As only true brothers can say

    Because even though you have gone
    To a place we all shall see
    We shared respect, love admiration, and fun
    And you will always be with me

    Lionheart Chris Jericho
    Mexico City
    Thanksgiving 1994