• I drift through life
    Floating on a sea of pain
    Run aground on the sandbar of trouble
    And smashed to pieces on the rocks of hell
    Trapped in hell
    The door locked behind
    Left to rot
    Left to die
    Left to drive myself insane
    Filled with worry
    Filled with hatred
    Filled with an urge
    An urge to destroy
    To unleash an awesome fury upon the world
    To destroy everything
    To make the world a wasteland
    To make the world like my mind
    Full of hell and despair
    Leave the demons to ravage livings' souls
    And for myself to die
    But as I stand here
    Alone as usual
    I stare at the sky
    Thinking of you
    Letting the single tear
    Brush by my cheek
    Before falling to the ground
    I stand and wait
    Waiting for you to come
    Though I know you never will
    Your pretty face flickers in my mind
    Giving me a split second of sanity
    A split second of reality
    Before my mind sucks me back
    Back into the hell
    Back into the rapture
    Back into my life
    Back into my heart
    Leaving me to live the rest of my days
    Confined in this man-made prison
    Without you
    Without you here
    You're gone
    I accept that
    My mind and my heart
    They do not
    They pine for you
    They cry out your name
    As I lie here
    Sleeplessly dreaming
    Dreaming about you
    About the time we spent together
    About our life together
    About the kisses we shared
    About the times we lay together
    Protecting each other from reality
    We both knew
    That protection would end one day
    And now
    With everything crumbling beneath my feet
    That last shield
    Has finally broken
    And I fall
    Slipping away into the darkness
    To be forgotten
    And left for dead