• Darkness fills the room,
    As the door closes with a quiet boom,
    And my sleeping soul awakens.
    Energetic as can be,
    ready to kill whatever challenges it.
    Comes toward me and bows,
    as if she knows i have a quest for her.
    I walk back to the bed where she rose,
    and touch the smooth velvet sheets
    in wonder.
    She approches me once again,
    waiting for her quest.
    I stare and slowly turn to face her.
    the words come off my lips like blood pouring
    from a wound,saying,
    "Bring me the spirit of 'him.'"
    Her face twists in doubt and worry that she might fail me,
    but with a gentle bow,she dissapears to her job,
    leaving me in the dark.

    As she arrives at 'his' home,
    she begins to realize she is strong,
    for he is meek.
    She comes up and touches him softly,
    ready to speak.
    She whispers to him;"I am here to take you to peace and sanity."
    He is confused now.
    She makes him walk with her to a dark, bloody, empty room.
    He looks at her and says"What doeseth this be?"
    She tells him"Dont worry,this will get better."
    She lays him in the middle of the diamond carving in the floor,
    and rises with her dagger trembling in her hand.

    He stares in fear, not knowing what shes gonna do,
    And shivers.
    She tells him,"This is only for your good."
    He gulps,and closes his eyes saying,"I'm ready."
    She takes a deep breath,and forces herself to throw herself to the ground,
    plunging the dagger into his heart.
    Blood goes eveywhere.
    She breathes again,glad it's over.
    Watching his spirit rise from the bloody pool.

    She returns back to me,and I am enthralled to see,
    my lover,Jeremiah.
    We come together again in joy,
    And we finally float to heaven.
    My soul following.