• Love...Just petty emotion....
    Light...surrounds all good...
    Love the oppostite of hate...
    Light the opposite of darkness...
    What is Love?
    What is Light?
    Love....Have I felt it before?
    Everytime I see him...
    My heart beats...
    Everytime I see him...
    My face turns pink
    Is it Love?
    I can't tell?
    I've never felt
    this sensation before!
    What do I do?
    I can't see...
    I can't see anything
    but him...
    Light...it's somthing
    that makes us head torwards...
    Is he the light that shows me the way
    through thick and thin
    and all?
    I still can't understand
    these emotions~
    inside of me!
    Whats with all the emotions inside you?!
    They just get in your way!

    song ish not done yet.....I will rite more....maybe 4laugh .....