• fire and ice...

    the fire burns through out everyone..
    then where does this ice of the dead come from
    look at all this fire on the streets..the fire of guns...the fire of our voice....
    the way we look at people is even a type of fire...why must we do this...no love
    no compassion.. ive even seen myself from time to time go off for no reason...

    lets go too the ice...the dead...the way we icnore people couse of fire...why?..we see a girl getting raped...and we dont help...see a car comming and a kid is not watching...he gets hit and we walk along...wtf?? ive seen someone stab a person and leave..of couse the own of the store called the police and i went over too the guy...the funny thing is i had too move people couse they were looking at him not helping!!!!!!! this makes me hate people....make me wish they would die..

    i was watching the news about the guy's head getting blown off by a shotgun from a lady couse he went too the car..wtf!!!! its funny i used too be like the person that walked away from someone in need couse i had something i thought was more important...till one night i was jumps a few years bk and lefted for dead...someone i didn't know (her name was amber..she was on her way too the hospital couse her mom had a heart attack) saw me on side of the road...stoped and took me too the hospital...since then i always help someone in need...what about you???

    -blood of devoncroix- -wolf 07