• FMA: Gluttony’s Gluttony

    They call me Gluttony because I'll eat your face.
    I hardly like to move at all, I like to stay in place.
    But sometimes when I'm hungry and I see a body near.
    I cannot seem to help myself; I know my goal is clear.

    I'll chomp, slurp and gulp 'til day turns into night.
    The taste is oh so scrumptious: a lovely, sweet delight!
    I'll eat and eat and eat you up until your bones are gone.
    And as I lick my fingers, I'll know my job is done.

    Alive or dead or in between, I do not give a damn!
    To me you’re just a piece of meat, a juicy cut of ham.
    I’ll have you in my belly, faster than a shot.
    They also call me Gluttony because I eat a lot.

    Man or woman, I don’t care, human flesh is sweet.
    Come closer, little girl; you look good enough to eat.
    I only want to be full, but my hunger hurts me so.
    Just one more bite… You need that hand? I’ll never let it go!

    I’m sorry if I drool, I don’t mean to be rude.
    I’m sorry that I’m boring, but I don’t play with my food.
    Salt and pepper, spoons and forks, I don’t need these things.
    All I need are bodies, a dinner fit for kings!

    Now pardon me, I need to leave. I really must go feed.
    Before my hunger pangs return with a vengeful sort of speed.
    It seems that man is old; he’s brittle and quite slow.
    I’ll help him reach his home and then…. My friend, I think you know.