• Poser:

    Posers glide on confident air
    They pretend to be what isn’t there
    They storm the halls in a stale lie
    Not noticing the true who they pass by

    The real just sit in a silent musk
    Living though life like a bit of dust
    They go on each day being themselves
    Not marking the place like a book on a shelf

    Posers will act, fake, and pretend
    They are the ones who balance the trend
    And those who started the style you ask?
    They were tossed aside subsequent the task

    So who were they that were tossed aside?
    Well truly we all know since they do not hide
    They are those who don’t dress like the next
    The ones who don’t claim that they are the best

    And don’t forget the honest are people too
    What they’ve experienced is different from you
    Don’t mock them or steal their panache flair
    That is for them, not a poser’s wear