• It was in math class
    When I happened to
    Accidentally look at your a**
    Words move threw my mind such as

    Why go for the nerd
    And not the others
    It accured to me that looks mattered

    I was wrong so I
    Ran into my mother
    I asked her to explain why

    Looks and not personalilty
    Matterd, she just carefully pasted
    Back and forward

    She told me
    " Don't let looks
    count, because to
    oppisites attrack "

    I had no idea what she meant
    But life seems like
    I took the wrong turn

    And my insides had yet to burn
    She was the nerd known
    For me

    So as I ran down the street but,
    She happend to run into to me
    We gazed pacefully
    Waiting for one
    Each other to speak

    It seem that i sprung a leak
    I wet my pants
    Guess I was nerves that
    She once was the one
    I called b***h

    Why all the sudden she
    Had the hearts for me
    I know the world is
    Full of surprices

    So that let looks
    Get inside your head
    Because the ones you really
    Love should be dead

    Next to you
    So for ever you
    Won't depart and you
    Shall have a heart for each other