• To love or not to Love, That is the Question

    Whether it is right to follow in the footsteps of ones own emotions

    Or wrong to tread them, and find heartbreak

    But to love is to live, and to not love is to be empty

    With love, you may share experiences and joy you would never be able to expereince alone

    With love, you can be happy.

    But happiness comes at a risk, which is heartbreak

    Is it so wrong to tell one how you feel, and then be turned down

    After putting so much effort just to tell them.

    Is it worth putting your life on the line to say those three words?

    Without love, you become empty, a shadow of your former self

    Is it worth risking everything, or throw it all away within a deepening abyss of lonliness

    Is happiness worth the risk of dying inside?

    Perhaps this isnt my place to decide.