• I dont need you know.

    Im happy the way i am.

    I have a special friend thats helping me pick up the pecies.

    And he i know will not hurt me like you did.

    He not like you.

    He gives me a fuzzy happy feeling unlike you did.

    Hes the only thing on my christmas wish.

    And he knows it.

    I hope that when you read this you will cry and suffer.

    All i ever wated was for you to be happy.

    And i thought you wanted the same for me.

    But it apears that you did not.

    At least he is a gentelman,and kind hearted.

    I dont wish for you to suffer but i do wish for you to relize waht you lost.

    And im gana ask him those special words.

    "Plese dont leav me".

    And i can bet you his answer will be better than yours.

    I promise not to let my heart crumble.

    Not as long as im with a dear friend like him.

    The darkness will not get me.

    I will fight it and i will survie.

    I will no longer be peoples punching bag.