• my sorrows conceive me
    for i am filled with darkness
    and i am on the road to the light
    but backtraking the road is hard
    for i must go throug trails to conquer the darkness
    the ravens are my only friends now,for i have used my friends and they have left
    so my body is to be devoured by the ravens
    while i am walking towards the light,but the ravens hover oveer me
    reminding me of sorrows,hate and impending darkness
    for i want to turn around and walk towards the darknes
    but i must be strong or the ravens will gourge on my flesh
    my heart is black and i hold a black rose in my hand
    for my death is near
    for one never knows when their death is
    but i will blind m eyes from the darkness so i do not turn
    and i will regain light and my friends and hope it isnt to late