• Do you feel it
    that feeling you keep
    in a bottle it stays
    as you feel yourself wasting away
    from this hurt
    from this pain
    anger is its name

    you wait and breath
    but nothing can heed
    this fire, the desire,
    yours, mine, ours,
    anger building, raging inside
    wating for us to take a peek inside
    you see her with him
    and she sees you
    she says nothing and all you do is wait
    bringing rage within yourself
    you look at him he who has bested you
    you see his face
    and utter disgrace compared to yours
    WHY! o why? do you feel this pain
    anger, anger is the final pain
    you feel it deep inside
    raging, ready to go
    so i tell you my freind today of all days
    let it explode
    let it explode
    let it out! shout, cry if you have to
    but fight! fight for your anger
    fight for it and it shall fule you
    like fire in the night your rage will be your inspiration
    your anger shall become you
    let it free
    so that you may finally see
    what it means to finally, finally live free free burning_eyes

    pirate + heart = but pirate
    cheese_whine + guy that you just met in bar cool = demented offspring dramallama
    ninja + stressed = RUN THE ******** OUT OF THERE MAN
    4laugh crazy cuban dude+ dramallama lamma on crack+ cheese_whine = the whole entire cuban population
    twisted satin+ neutral you= gonk a**l rapage (and future a**l seepage)