• Every night,
    I drift off and fall into a sleep,
    Hoping only for the best to happen.
    As I toss and turn the whole night through,
    It sould seem as if my sleep was filled with nightmares...
    But, inside, as I toss,
    My dreams come true.
    As I turn... I prevail.
    I travel to places afar.
    I see the ones that I love.
    The world is perfect for me.

    As I remain motionless in my sleep,
    Those are the times to worry for...
    My dreamland quickly becomes depressing..
    Those light clouds, floating high above,
    Turn a dark colour and thunder sounds from far away.
    A fog strolls in from afar, closing me off for everything.
    All I see around me are the mists that surround me.
    I gasp as the things that go bump, attack me.
    I sweat. I fall.
    I leave all things behind me and wish to be free.

    I wake up from my sleep in a fright.
    That horror that was just about to take me over.
    Is gone.
    A sigh of relief is uttered from my mouth.
    I roll over and reposition my self for sleep.
    I comfort my self and fall...
    Fall... Into the safety of my dreams.