• you're heart,it bleed
    the pain you have suffered
    what you have felt

    you're heart was scarred
    forever hurting
    you feel no hope

    the darkness you reside in
    what people can not see
    you close you're heart
    from the world
    making it even harder
    for you to see

    the heart enclosed
    what you are not sharing
    you're heart is frozen
    so cold and bare

    one day
    with no face
    that you can see
    gently warms you're heart

    but you keep refusing
    to open you're heart
    yet he stays right there
    like no one has done before

    and before you realize
    you're heart is warming
    you start to open you're heart to pain and fortune

    and as soon as he was there
    he's gone from you're sight
    as if he never was there

    but you know that one day
    he'll return
    happy yet sad
    you wait for him