Brown Woven Hair
Tell me you'd care/ with my brown woven hair.
I'm living with this dreadful disease,
love is like cancer, Maybe
you'll see if I died in your hands sir?
Please know I would hint a smile,
if I saw your brown eyes,
who are you to tell/ you shall only tell
your reflections disquise.
If you saw the cuts on my arms,
the blood in plain eyes.
The pain from her scars
I'd still see blue skies, I'd still see the birds fly.
Does he Believe in angels or there wings?
He does believe your beautiful everyone sings
As I see into springs last puddle, my last dream.
I can never explain, words can never make me explain.
an clear enough to be mistaken as the mirrior that mistaken myself,
as the paint on the wall appears to be plain.
Staring at this same ceiling for so long,
my eyes rain leaving the scars on my face,
As the old schools doors close ones still open.
As I tend to wonder if theres anymore space!
even with my heart frozen, I can still feel, a pointless emotion of love,
-And Your just A boy
Brown woven hair
Haiizel Nut
Enjoy I think its the first poem I posted
on here Soooo. Its not the best <//3
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