• My mind cannot grasp this pain.
    Jeans continue to uphold these stains.
    Sensitive to touch, hurts just too much.
    I did this, but why?
    For the urge to die?
    Not exist, I assume because the world seems doomed.
    Society makes judgement.
    I'm not one for this treatment.
    Born the same with no one to blame...
    but yourself.
    Foolish to believe the formity of society.
    I cut. I slice.
    You look at me like lab mice.
    Be this. Do that.
    I'm not any damn rat.
    I am ME and what I choose to be.
    Life's not sugar-coated,
    though I'm locked and loaded,
    ready for whatever comes my way.
    Live for today, forget the past.
    Let all know this is the first and last.
    Last time I'd EVER insist...
    to pick up a blade and cut my ******** wrists.