• What have I done,
    Your not the one,
    Seen your teary eyes,
    I just made horrible lies,
    I hate your scary cries,
    I hate you your broken,
    I love how youve spoken,
    I lay to rest, I have fallen
    Speed To mass,
    What is left is energy,
    Theres nothing left of me.
    no more is, im dead,
    lying in my hospital bed...
    DEAD forever,
    belong in this world? NEVER!
    All i need is a little black box,
    and i was a pox.
    Love is dead to me,
    and you cant wait and see.
    Why should a care
    because you were never there.
    Really why should I be here
    when people see me they run in fear.
    What I see your a broken thought,
    and we never fought
    Dripping down the face,
    Im useless to the human race.