• Spinning, like the restless breeze that blows between me; Breathless from the mixed array of colors, bright greens, oranges,purples....oh the magic of the sunset. This is Paradise, if there is any. The smiles of a million people never can compare to mine; I am spoiled in this ecstasy. Bathing in this glorious emotion. I am free to do as I will, I am free from the lifeless bounds of a normal life. I am an angel that has no wings, yet I fly with grace and elegance. A wingless dove can still sing can't she? I am that dove, cooing and ahhing,singing high upon the mountain as it rings down like the chimes of a high pitched bell. If this is passion, if this is love... so let it be. I care nothing of the short. I am happy,no, I am overjoyed. Whoever said "take a picture, it lasts longer," had no life of his own. Don't give in. As for me...Nothing can hold me back...