• I lay here,
    Laying right next to you;
    Watching you sleep.
    I watch you struggle in this sleep.
    I stay by your bed,
    Day in and day out.
    I wait,
    Wait for you to wake;
    Wake into this world again.
    To be with me again,
    For you to cuddle up in my arms;
    Safe and warm.
    I wonder if you dream.
    Dream in this Eternal sleep.
    I rest my head next to yours.
    I think,
    think of everything that we’ve been through.
    I still wonder if you still think of me.
    You risked everything to be with me,
    And looks were it’s got you;
    A COMA!!!
    I did nothing for you,
    I don’t even think I deserve you,
    So beautiful, so perfect.
    I was and am so selfish ,
    I just wanted you so much;
    But I didn’t do anything to be with you.
    I am so sorry, my love.
    I’ll wait till you wake,
    Wake from this Eternal sleep.
    I won’t leave your side,
    I still love you;
    Even though it’s selfish of me to.
    I just want to see you open your eyes and smile that beautiful smile at me.
    Just one more time.