• What is death
    what is life

    those two questions seem
    to haunt me for some time

    death it is like a curse not
    to b spoken of

    life is like a praise that
    everyone seems to enjoy

    my life is something
    i have loathed

    they curse me but dont praise me
    because i have been born different

    with ears of a wolf
    and a tail too

    they call me the devil's pet
    but i have not killed anyone

    they beat me abuse me
    starve me and seem not to care

    i have survived bcause of a family
    that sees ma as a person

    they have tried reasoning
    but was shunned for housing me

    i left because i
    didnt want them to suffer

    i have lived alone
    for some time now

    and have been taken in
    by a she wolf thinking
    that i was a lost pup

    i haved lived in harmony with
    the wolves in the pack

    i hope noone has to endure
    the same treatment as me

    by: Luna wolf