• Here I am alone at last.
    I am dying, dying, dying fast.
    I am not actually dying for real.
    It hurts so bad I cannot heal.
    My house might be taken and I don't know where to go.
    I feel so alone alone alone.
    I can hear my own echo where I am.
    In this prison cell and no one will lend a hand.
    I cannot eat and I cannot speak.
    I can hardly breathe and I feel so weak.
    I've been in this cell for five whole years.
    I can't break free great here comes the tears.
    I can't hold them back anymore it's just too hard.
    My body and blo@d have become like stone it's so hard.
    I'm tired of pretending I'm happy and glad.
    I'm actually depressed, tired, and sad.
    I've tried to get out with all my strength.
    The bars won't budge no matter how hard I yank.
    I don't want someone to help me.
    I'm afraid at what people might hear and see.
    My heart has almost turned as cold as ice.
    It has been locked away so long and tight.
    I'm tired of fighting tired of stopping the tears.
    I'm so quiet even I can barely hear.
    So I'm still in this cage with my tears locked up tight.
    I can't get away even with all my might.