• How can you say that
    how can you say
    with out laughing at all
    that love is beautiful

    How can you say it
    without even a trace
    even a sign
    you're trying not to smile

    Have you ever loved
    or ever been loved
    because you can't know how it feels
    can't ever have experienced
    the pain and the hurt and the hate
    all that love brings
    all that is loves curse
    if you can say that

    You say you know what i mean
    but i know you don't
    i know you have never felt the warmth
    of being in their arms
    while love stabs you
    again and again with a thousand needles

    You can never see what i see
    all the hate without trust
    all the anger without tears
    all the love without truth

    You've never known what it feels like
    never had to say "Shh here they come"
    then quickly run and hide
    never had to lie to your friend
    saying you don't like him
    then turn around
    as soon as she leaves and wish
    wish he was there for you to cry to
    wish you didn't have to lie

    So how can you say
    with such a straight face
    that love is beautiful
    while i know very well it's not

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