• You think you know me

    but you don't

    what you see is the smiling me

    the me every single person sees

    you see the me i show you

    you don't see the pain i am in

    the pain i hide in order to survive

    You want me to be perfect but really thats because your not

    And thats what hurts most of all

    That i can never live up to your expectations

    because what you want is the perfect daughter, the perfect person

    Not the broken creature you have

    So go and look at me

    compare me to your other children

    brag about them while you belittle me

    and pretend you don't see the tears in my eyes

    Pretend you know what i am thinking and feeling

    Go on and build me up to be as evil as you think

    Because when i look back

    only i will be the one laughing

    and you, you'll be the one with all the regret