• We can't stay the midmorning day,
    We can't stay the willful hearts,
    Remember the day before today,
    The beginning of many a yesterday.

    Feeling the moon and the stars,
    All begging for our gazing eyes,
    While the night unblinking,
    Does dream in sleepless flight.

    Freedom in those dark skies,
    Upon which fate did so ride,
    Without the morning rise,
    Without the dawn's dusk,
    In dreamless sleep.

    Why, can't we dream today?
    For staying in our minds,
    Our thoughts do tricks play,
    And no words come out,
    No words that we cannot say.

    That day we knew we'd die,
    Yet the sun did come,
    And the moon did rise,
    And our minds did stay.

    For freedom, for freewill,
    Is it lost or more apparent,
    In the depths of the sea,
    Than the shifting heavens.

    Eyes that dream,
    Minds that see,
    Out there the darkness,
    In there lie ourselves,
    While we looking out,
    Do look within,
    And the world is all,
    All but eternal,
    Except for yesterday.