• i am the sleeping girl

    i jouney through the woods
    the sun on my back
    the wind in my hair

    i listen to the song
    of the mocking bird
    unable to say anything of his own

    soft moss under my bare feet
    i am the only one
    to traverse this path in years

    i break through the trees
    into a young meadow
    i see a small pond

    i slowly approch
    the glistening mirror
    of the untouched water

    i kneel in the flowers
    and i dip my cupped hands into the icy water
    sending ripples across the surface

    i drink

    the water fills me with stone
    from the base of my feet
    to the crown of my head

    i feel my heart freeze
    i feel the night creep upon me
    i feel the cold claim me

    i lay my head upon the cushion of earth
    i close my eyes
    and give into the endless night

    i am the sleeping girl

    i walked through the wood of lost hope
    i crossed the meadow of forgotten dreams
    i drank from the pond of my darkest wishes

    my heart froze
    can you thaw it?

    the night crept up and took me
    can you wake me?

    i was claimed by the cold
    can you save me?

    i am the sleeping girl

    you will find my body
    laying in the night
    a faint smile upon my lips