• A man attacks another man for the pure reason of the fact they have no patience so they have to rob to get what they need. But the man being attacked stands up and fights back to stand up for themself, to show who's really pathetic. Yet when they make a stand they are scapegoated, shown as someone who did something wrong when they did nothing but stand for what is right, and is punished for the fault of the real fool, the rogue. So he keeps getting robbed and robbed and robbed by the same rogue, until eventually, he is bled dry, and he can't suck up anymore, so the impatient fool of a rogue looks for another target because he can't wait to get something on his own, and chooses another target to rob, and another, and another. But eventually, what happens to the rogue? He attempts to rob someone and fails, and suddenly falls under the same heat he placed upon his first victim. And when the rogue is left for dead, who is it that he finds, his first victim, and begs for sympathy. But it is the victim, who waited out all of the lies and blood, who waited through all the pain and misery the rogue threw at him, who administers the coup de grace, not upon himself, but to the rogue.