• What's funny is the fact
    Time changes us all
    I just never thought
    Our friendship was to fall

    As long as I can remember
    We were like the best of friends
    Until the ties were severed,
    The joy and happiness at its ends

    Your emotions got the best of you
    Wouldn't allow me time for anyone else
    What else could I do?
    I was your friend, and you put me through Hell

    I tried not to let it show
    Hoping one day, you'd know
    My constantly growing resent
    You'll need to do much more to repent

    All those times, I let your act slide
    Taking the blame while you went to hide
    Tried to be sympathetic for your cries
    Useless as they were, for friends come with a price

    Costing me my life, my individuality
    Somehow always raining on my parade
    Twisting up my reality
    Yet I find some way to continue the charade

    Yet time comes in the game
    Makes it more difficult to stand
    Our friendship, a thinning rubber band
    There's no way it'll be the same

    I try to tell you the truth
    Even sugar-coat it a bit
    My loyalty all for naught
    Because you never cared, so you can take the hit

    We used to laugh
    Share all of our thoughts
    When I now look at those times
    It only brings me to a scoff

    I should've noticed the signs
    Especially when my heart went to him
    But my friendly nature left me blind
    Giving you all but my very limbs!

    This "little argument" is everything but small
    Tried to break me and him apart
    When that part was done, all in all,
    You rushed in, to get a fresh start

    Let me say something to you
    Your emotion had all but a heart
    You did all you wanted to do
    The last thing I want is another start

    You had problems, so did I
    I cared about yours, but you paid no attention to mine
    Said I was beng overdramatic
    Your hypocrisy makes me almost sick

    I'll give you the truth as straight as I can
    I'm happier, better, saner without you
    The truth hurts, as honest as it stands
    So don't be surprised if I still don't want to talk to you

    Everything we once were, all in the past
    This friendship finally at an end, at last
    Remember or forget, time will decide
    But more than likely, the pain will never subside....