• "I Want"

    I want to be with you,
    I want to be yours,
    I want you to love me.

    To be the key,
    The key to my heart,
    The key to my soul.

    I want you to make me feel whole,
    I want to see that sparkle in your eye,
    I want to hear the peace in your voice.

    Make me feel rejoice,
    Make my body quiver,
    Make me gasp for more.

    I want our clothes to hit the floor,
    I want our hearts to be one,
    I want our bodies pressed together for hours.

    Your touch as delicate as Spring's newly born flowers,
    Your breath as warm as Summer's sun,
    Your scent as rich as Winter's air.

    I want us to be the perfect pair,
    I want us to be a cheerful family,
    I want our love to never die.

    Will I ever find this extraordinary guy,
    Will I know that he's the one,
    Will I screw it up before our love can even start.

    I want him to find my heart,
    I want him to never let it go,
    I want him to be my soul.