• I HATE being in love.
    It's very difficult.
    With all of the different people bugging you,
    it gets annoying.

    Good thing they don't know who it is...
    I'd get teased for it,
    made fun of.
    That's why I won't tell anyone.

    Maybe I'll tell him,
    right before he leaves for college.
    Right before he leaves, so he only has his memory of me.
    Of us.

    Us having fun,
    us talking,
    us joking around.
    I'll miss that.

    Just like I'll miss him.
    his smile,
    the one that looks like the grinning kitty.
    It does.

    He laughs easily,
    and we both can't take a joke.
    He likes to make them sometimes,
    I've found out.

    He's a great guy,
    but I won't tell him.
    Not yet.
    Not for a few years.

    But I can wait to tell him.
    I can definitely wait.
    I want him to see his friend,
    when I tell him.

    But I also want him to see a girl,
    not just his friend.
    Not just the girl he's talked to,
    and joked around with.

    I want him to see...
