• heart heart heart Love heart heart heart

    Love is all you need.

    It's all you need for a great life.

    Love is what makes the sparks fly.

    Love is the deep rich feeling in my heart.

    Love is what forces me to a stop.

    A stop to wait.

    To wait for Him to come.

    The clock ticks away.

    Not yet.

    The days pass by me

    Not yet.

    The nights are dark.

    And yet when I think about him,

    My heart simply flutters.

    I wait and wait.

    I walk away from my room of safety

    I sit down

    And by surprise,

    A warm gentle embrace pulls me in

    And I knew it was him.

    He pulled me tight and held on for dear life.

    No words can truly describe the feeling.

    The kiss

    The touch

    The love

    O the love.

    'Tis love that is day and night of my life.

    A great feeling it is.

    The thought of him makes me long.

    I long for him

    As a caged animal for the natural wild.

    And right now I am waiting

    Waiting for him to return to me

    Bonded forever.

    And life threads always intertwined.

    That is the power of love.

    It is stronger than a vampires bloodlust.

    Longing will end.

    And love will return.

    And all will be right.

    heart heart heart heart heart heart