• It makes me sick to think,
    Of the things left unsaid,
    The secrets left untold,
    'Our' happiness left for dead.

    Scoot it under the rug,
    Forget about it, let it sit.
    You wont miss the times,
    We didn't get to share because of it.

    I've tried so hard all of my life,
    To become something better,
    For me, and for you;
    The one day that we come together.

    I thought it had come,
    You'd swept me off my feet,
    The shudders of joy i felt with you,
    The way my heart skipped a beat.

    But you left me standing alone in the hallway,
    My feelings wern't a concern,
    When you decided that It wouldn't matter,
    Thanks alot, girl, as i leave and turn;

    And walk away....


    Though I can't blame you,
    For my heart won't allow,
    I can say this;
    I'm not waiting,
    For something that won't become.
    As much as i wish,
    You were what i once thought,
    I can't change you.
    And as much as i wish,
    You'd see your mistake,
    And go beyond an apology,
    I know you wont,
    I know you can't,
    Because you arn't ready.
    Take some time,
    Take some time to find yourself,
    Before you continue this relentless charade.