• The cold heart that resides within me,
    is a wintry abyss of black.
    Nikki froze it solid with his icy smile.
    He chopped and diced my poor bleeding heart
    with every touch of his soft lips.
    He condemned my soul with every sigh
    he made me sigh he made me sigh
    with his gentle fingertips as they traced my hips.
    With every tear he made me cry
    and every time I'd ask why
    and every time I "failed to even try"
    the more inside I would die.
    Now I'm cold,
    to you my soul was sold.
    Well I stole it back
    and I'll sew up every crack.
    You used to sit
    in a special place right next to my heart,
    I'd hide in your arms
    and be forever warm,
    but from that place we've both been torn,
    I've done more than just replace you but upgraded too,
    and I laugh in your face
    because now we BOTH know you thought wrong.
    Now tell me once more,
    exactly who can't live without who?

    ~Aimee 6/13/09~