• Oh the lack of trust
    That I’ve supposedly earned.
    One question I ask…

    The question is: Why?
    Why does nobody trust me?
    Will no one answer?

    They answer with lies.
    They tell me that they trust me,
    But they clearly lie.

    Since I’m mistrusted,
    I’ve begun to slip away
    From my honesty.

    Sto pro veritate!
    Which means “I stand for the truth”.
    The Guthrie motto.

    I have no one’s trust
    To keep, so what is the point?
    Why’d I be honest?

    No one would believe
    Anything I say… But why?
    I may never know.

    With no trust to keep
    What is the point in the truth?
    A truth and a lie…

    They are the same now,
    To those listening to me,
    Me and what I say.

    I might as well lie
    If it’s the same as the truth
    In the eyes of friends.

    So now you see how
    Mistrust can lead to one whom
    Never breathes the truth.

    I’ve strung together
    These haikus to show you how
    My story has gone.