• You wait silently
    Dressed in ridicolus clothes
    Wearing a strange mask
    Behind the heavy curtains

    “It’s just another performance”
    You think to yourself
    But this time is different
    This time is special

    You walk onto the stage with your friends
    The lights begin to shine,the music starts to play
    You start the first move flawlessly,then end it even better
    Before you know it,
    You’re dancing

    Your heart begins to pound
    You lose sight of everything around you
    The excitement triggers something
    Something you haven’t experienced before
    Something that causes you to burst with energy and intensify your movements
    An adrenaline rush

    You begin to lose your energy
    But you’re not even half way done
    But as if pure magic
    The smiles and cheers from the audience
    Cause you to dance like never before

    Just as soon as it began,it finishes
    Your heavy breath finally slows
    Your legs begin to burn
    You can finally relax

    You already miss it all
    The music,the stage,the lights,the audience
    And the rush
    But you take comfort in knowing
    You’ll be back before you know it