• I walked down slowly to meet my death.
    My footsteps echoed in the dusk
    And left behind all that I loved
    Even though it seemed to me to be a good cause
    To die for the one you love so much.
    My heart was racing, i was shaking
    All over, my hands were trembling,
    My footsteps slowed as i reached
    The door, and pushed gently on the handle.
    My heartbeat racing, i heard a voice
    Something far away.
    The voice got louder, i stay put,
    So tempted to run away.
    But I knew that i had to save,
    My loved one by my death.
    For my murderer held my mother
    On the verge of endless sleep.
    The knife glinted in the dark, a flash beheld me then,
    My vision blurred when suddenly
    I realsed that i was dead, then dropped back
    Down to the marble floor, to sleep...once again.