• I am me.
    I am the only one of me to be.
    If i give myself in to the world.
    If i let them chose for me.
    If i let them see what i can be.
    Then mabe just mabe.
    I could just be me.
    I could stand tall.
    I could run free.
    If I turn the tables on humanity.
    Then mabe just mabe.
    I could be me.
    If I could reach the people of the world.
    If I could show them the amazing, delightful, intelligent me.
    Then mabe just mabe.
    The world will stop labeling me.
    Mabe these streets would be danger free.
    Mabe just mabe someone will stand by me.
    Then mabe just mabe me would turn to...WE.
    Mabe we could be we.